yeg photographer

Rodgers Hometown Hockey in Spruce Grove, New Years Eve, Dec 31, 2017

COLD! but fun, best way to describe last weekend. 

The day started out at State & Main with a VIP event featuring Ron MacLean and attended by many Spruce and Stony "celebrities" including our Mayor Stuart Houston and other city Council members. 


Following the VIP event, we headed over to the main event site at Stu Barnes Agrena, the activities were locatied outside and also in some heated tents.


As the event photographer, I had the opportunity to photograph kids having fun dressed up in sumo suits and rolling through a Dodge Caravan, kids and adults spinning the Rodgers "wheel" to win a variety of prizes, young hardcore hockey fans playing ball hockey in the mini outdoor arena, along with many other activities. 

Ron MacLean was on site with Tara Slone to do a live broadcast of an afternoon game played in Vegas, as well as an evening game played in Edmonton. Event attendees had the opportunity to watch the games on a few different screens both outside and inside some heated tents. 

"The Northern Pikes" band took the stage to bring us a few of their songs to celebrate the evening, in -25 playing instruments is difficult, but they did awesomely.

Throughout the day a person was able to visit with and have items autographed by  both Kevin Lowe and/or Ryan Smyth.

Before the evening Oilers hockey game began, there was a Parade of Champion of our young Spruce Grove Hockey players. 

Mayor Houston and family and many other proud parents and supporters came out to cheer on the parade, some braved the cold long enough to catch the beginnings of the Oilers game. 

As evening started to roll around the temperature was dipping around the -30 mark, The Northern Pikes came out to do a couple more songs, we got to see Nathan Dempsey in the crowd, and people were having a grand time. 

As the evening came to an end, only a few die hard fans stuck around outside, Ron took a few minutes to chat with them and sign some autographs. 

I hope whoever made it out to this local event had a great time and also had an enjoyable New Years Eve! Happy New Year and my wishes for you to have a awesome 2018!

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Winter Tea Party and Family session

Were we just a little bit crazy, maybe, but even if they were a little cold the girls had a great time having a tea party, tossing candy canes and skipping along the trail! 


Allied Arts Council - Member Headshot evening

What a great time I had doing some Artist Headshots for the Allied Arts Council a few weeks ago! Some of the members came out and let me try out a lighting set up in exchange for a headshot to use in social media, website profiles and other needs. We had some laughs as I directed them in what can only be called "odd" ways to achieve the desired results. Visit the Allied Arts Council Website to see all the great things they are doing.