Every family deserves to have beautiful photos on the walls of their home. You invest precious time and effort in raising a family to be the best they can be, wouldn’t it be lovely to remember the journey as they grow up? From babies to toddlers, children, and teens, they’re all special stages to remember.
Your session is about creating beautiful wall art for your family, and you get to choose where to display it!
Our Process
In order to provide you with the best experience possible we have an optional pre-shoot consultation, portrait session followed up by an optional viewing/ordering session. Prints will then either be delivered or picked up by you. All galleries are available online for viewing and ordering if desired.
Pre - Shoot Consultation
This consultation is an "ice breaker" it gives you a chance to meet with me in person or over the phone. We get a chance to get to know each other a little better so when it's time for your portrait session the awkward, shy stage can be shorter. A more relaxed environment allows for a more natural portrait. During our chat, we will determine which session type meets your needs, and then schedule a time and location for your photo session, as well as your custom viewing/ordering session.
Portrait Session
As the photographer, I will be at the session location 15 minutes prior to our agreed-upon time, when you arrive we will get started. Sessions are slotted in 60 - 90 min timeframes, these are not set in stone, it is common for time to both run a little over and under. Our goal is to give a session enough time to stay relaxed and fun while still getting a variety of poses and backgrounds. It gives kids a chance to move around a little between shots, letting me get traditional and lifestyle-type images.
Viewing/Ordering Sessions
At your viewing session, you will see a custom slideshow video of your images to enjoy. I will have proof images for you to hold and sort into love and keep piles. There will be a variety of portrait products to look at, touch, and sniff (kidding) so when you are making a decision on what you want for your wall display, you will know beforehand what the printed material will look like. Once you have placed your order and payment is made, an online gallery will be set up for you to download for sharing with friends and family any image you purchased as a print or digital file. We understand social media and the want to share, so we try and make it possible as best we can.
Things we ask you to consider for your ordering session:
Do you have a large wall space you want to fill with a collage?
Would you like a few bigger portrait prints and some smaller gift prints?
Did you want a certain image orientation for a particular frame or space?
Are you giving gift prints out to family members or in cards/invitations?
Print pickup or delivery
All printed portraits and digital files will be packaged in an attractive manner, you spent hard-earned dollars on these heirlooms and they should be presented as such. At the ordering session it will have been determined if you are picking up or if I am delivering, but either way, any questions you have about your portraits should be brought up and it is always best to unpackage while I am there, so if you have any concerns we can figure them out as soon as possible.
“There is one thing the photograph must contain, the humanity of the moment. This kind of photography is realism. But realism is not enough – there has to be vision, and the two together can make a good photograph”
If you are interested in booking a session or learning more about our products please contact us.
Thank you.