
Connect and motivate clients

without wasting time

searching the internet for stock images.


Your Audience just wants to know that you’re real

They want to know who you are, what you stand for. They want to feel like they know you and can join in the conversations you’re having.


Give the Right First Impression

Does your cell phone images communicate quality and excellence? Does it grab the attention, connect with and inspire your potential clients? Do your images reflect the care and show the value of your work?

Does it take hours to find stock images that reflect your brand because they lack consistency and specific imagery?

Then invest in PROFESSIONAL BRAND PHOTOgraphy.

Because….YOU have BETTER THINGS TO DO with your time, than taking low-quality selfies and search the internet!!


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I'm a photographer that works with entrepreneurs and business owners to create custom social media content. My job is to capture the soul of your business in brand-consistent, professional imagery that will connect with your clients & entice them to buy.

People buy from people they KNOW, LIKE AND TRUST.

I set you up for success; with ready-to-go images, not only will you have more time to focus on what you’d rather be doing, but your marketing will be more effective than ever before.

I love to help people, and I want to help you! I want to help business owners, entrepreneurs and influencers save time and get back to doing what they do best and truly love. 

Strategic and Powerful Visual Content

  • Build your "know, like and trust" factor 

  • Strategically reinforce why YOU through visual storytellingCreated with authentic emotion and heart

  • What is Personal Brand Photography?


Created In 1 Day!

In one day, you can create a custom library of images for your website and provide a continual stream of ready-to-go social media content. No more wondering what to post next and endless hours searching through generic stock photography.

​A mix of lifestyle, portraits, documentary, food & product photography that reinforce the story of your brand.

Because You and Your Business are Worth More

Than Cell Phone Snapshots or Generic Stock Photography

Here's how we make this happen ...

1. Let’s MeetTell me about what you're looking for in photographs and a photographer. I can tell you more about my services and process. Free, no-obligation meeting

1. Let’s Meet

Tell me about what you're looking for in photographs and a photographer. I can tell you more about my services and process. Free, no-obligation meeting

2. Make It Official!If we think we're a good fit for each other, we'll book your photography session and sign the paperwork.

2. Make It Official!

If we think we're a good fit for each other, we'll book your photography session and sign the paperwork.

3. Create Shoot ListUsing my Brand Discovery questionnaire and our talks, I'll draft up a shoot list for your input to ensure an on-strategy session.

3. Create Shoot List

Using my Brand Discovery questionnaire and our talks, I'll draft up a shoot list for your input to ensure an on-strategy session.

Because no business are alike, we will hop on the phone or get together for tea or coffee. Ill get to know your personality, your business and see if we’re a good fit. I am available for any questions you might have or ideas you want to discuss, because you are the focus, I’m here to help you.

If we decide to move forward, we'll plan your first photo session and sign the paperwork to make things official!

Your Business Branding Experience

  • Consultation and brand message discovery

  • Custom concept board and shoot list

  • up to 3-hour guided photography session at multiple locations

  • multiple wardrobe changes

  • Headshot included

  • online proofing gallery

  • Final images edited, cropped and sized as needed

  • Full commercial usage license


Mini-Brand Packages start at $650 for 60 images

Inquire about larger packages and annual contracts for a continual refresh of images

Annual packages starting at $4000/yr

**For a more in depth price and payment plan breakdown, please Contact us via the following form and we will send the information out ASAP.

I make payments as accommodating as possible.

Cash, Check, PayPal and Credit Card via Square are all payment options.

What’s a Commercial License?

Personal brand photography is different than traditional family or wedding photography. In order to use your images in marketing materials, you legally need a commercial license. However, as we retain the copyright, the commercial license does not allow you to sell your images as stock photography or in any other way.  Commercial use also means your images will not have watermarks on them and you do not have to credit me when you use them, although I do appreciate it when that happens.

Contact information:

call/text 780-914-2837

email: leaphotography@live.ca 


Thank you for your interest in Lea Photography & Design! 

Please provide some details about you and your photography needs.

I will reply with in a couple days. I look forward to speaking with you soon!